Present: Tricia, Liz, Alan, Nathan, Simona, Heather

Apologies: Sarah, Keith, Peter


The next AGM will take place on 16th May 2024 at 7.30pm. The previous AGM was held on 17th November 2022 and Minutes of this meeting are attached for information. The AGM will be held immediately before the usual Readings meeting.

There are important matters to be resolved, including the appointment of officers, future meeting venue arrangements and subscriptions.

It is intended to circulate a financial statement and an email concerning the appointment of officers before the AGM so that matters can be dealt with speedily on the night.

Future Library Event

The sub-committee – Tricia, Liz, Simona, Keith and Heather – plan to meet via Zoom before 16th May to discuss having a WWC table at Woking Library, possibly in May and September. Simona agreed to email sub-committee members to agree a date and to set up the meeting.


Liz reported that the Book Group would be reading MAUS, a graphics book recommended by Lionsheart Bookshop, or a book chosen by the reader. The next meeting would be on 24th April 2024.

Alan and Heather had respectively sent a flash fiction piece and a poem to Barbara Gurney at Gosnells Writers Circle in Australia in response to a request for submissions. These would be published in the May newsletter.

Regular Events for Poets

Write-Out-Loud open mic: The last Thursday of every month (25th April) at the Fiery Bird, Goldsworth Road, Woking, GU21 6JT (next to the Fire Station). Large free car park. Event starts at 7pm, but please try to arrive around 6.45 to put your name down for reading. The cost is £5, payable in cash, and hot drinks are available, price £1.50.

Write-Out-Loud open mic Zoom meeting: Arranged by Greg Freeman, dates advised on monthly basis. Meetings start at 7pm.

Lionsheart Bookshop: Lionsheart have generously welcomed WWC poets to read in the first half of their poetry evenings, held on the last Saturday of each month, (27th April) starting at 7pm. Food is available but should be ordered beforehand.

Merrist Wood College, Worplesdon

Lionsheart Bookshop have very generously agreed to give WWC members space on their table for publicity leaflets, publications, etc. at Shynefest on 31st May. More information to follow.


Nathan read his very enjoyable poem, Everyone Else is an NPC, educating several members of the group even while they were laughing at the humour in the piece. (Apparently, an NPC is a Non-Playable Character in gaming language.) The rhyming scheme worked well as did the scansion and the self-mockery in the last 2 lines were very clever and much-appreciated. Nathan also contributed one his skilful trademark Haikus, The Process, which captured the idea that by nurturing a flower, it blooms twice – a reflection of the old Japanese proverb along the lines of, ‘He who chops wood, warms himself twice’.

Heather contributed 2 poems, both of which drew on the homework subject, Perception. Viewpoint was about a visit to a care home to see a much-loved friend in the advanced stages of dementia. The poet was distressed by the care assistant blowing iridescent bubbles in front of her friend, this childish activity contrasting with her memories of her friend before she became ill, but realises in the end that she herself needed to change her viewpoint. A Trick of the Light spoke of the magical effects of evening light on a journey home and the contrast between the poet’s delight and the driver’s irritation with the driver in front.

Alan’s story, The Dimmer Switch, was a rich concoction and contained many of Alan’s brilliant descriptions, including ‘peering like an agitated woodpecker’, ‘resigned hiccup-come-shrug’ and ‘splay-footed two-left-wellied heartiness’. The story uses garden plants to great effect and the story was, as usual, extremely clever and hugely enjoyed.

Liz spoke of her ambition to publish a small book this year, probably containing Haikus. There was lively discussion about a possible title, with Images featuring prominently. Liz had brought along a prop almost certainly never previously featured at a WWC meeting – a slice of Gala pie. There were interesting thoughts around the table as to what members saw in this, with suns, moons and eclipses being favourites. Liz then read out a Haiku inspired by the pie, proving beyond doubt that a real writer can find inspiration in anything!

Next Meeting: Thursday, 16th May at 7.30pm

Chair: Peter Morley

Minutes: Simona

Milk and biscuits: TBA

Wine: Heather

Homework: Dilemma